Tuesday, August 25, 2009


The transport system Transantiago is very polemic for a lot of reasons: good and bad things. First, I think that it improve the safety and the routes are more structurated than years ago, also the people can wait in the bus stop without money (because of bip cards) and it is less noisy than the others buses.
But, there`s a lot of problems, too. For example, the waiting time – speciallly at night – is very long, sometimes, the buses are more crowed than before, and the design of those machines are, in some situations, very uncomfortable (imagine an extremely strong stop, you can hit with an iron, or a chair, or the driver… I think that authorities should make more objects to supported).
In my own experience, the saddiest thing that happens to my romantic heart is that I lost the trust in the subway,now there`s more people, more dirt, more noise, more pollution and, obviuosly, is more disgusting than before.
In the begginig of the system – particularly when I have to go to the school, by the subway – people were impolite (more than usually) and the transport was terrible! Thanks God, currently the situation has improve, but I still feel that there`s much to do.
On the other hand, I don`t like that TV, radio and printing press pay great attention in the new transport system, I think that there are more problems (specially in other regions), probably more important than Transantiago.
That`s all… I guess.

1 comment:

  1. The transport system Transantiago is very polemic for a lot of reasons: good and bad things. First, I think that VT it improve the safety and the routes are more structurated than years ago, also the people can wait in the bus stop without money (because of bip cards) and it is less noisy than the others buses.
    But, there`s a lot of problems, too. For example, the waiting time – speciallly at night – is very long, sometimes, the buses are more SP crowed than before, and the design of those machines are, in some situations, very uncomfortable (imagine an extremely strong stop, you can hit with an iron, or a chair, or the driver… I think that authorities should make more objects to supported).
    In my own experience, the SP saddiest thing that happens to my romantic heart is that I lost the trust in the subway,now thereSVA `s more people, more dirt, more noise, more pollution and, obviuosly, is more disgusting than before.
    In the begginig of the system – particularly when I have to go to the school, by the subway – people were impolite (more than usually) and the transport was terrible! Thanks God, currently the situation has WF improve, but I still feel that there`s much to do.
    On the other hand, I don`t like that TV, radio and printing press pay great attention in the new transport system, I think that there are more problems (specially in other regions), probably more important than Transantiago.
    That`s all… I guess.

    well done although I think I have read better things from you. Remember to develop an idea and the n give an example.
    check the correction and le t me know
    p.s you got a 5.7
